Are you tired of dealing with creepy spiders invading your home? If so, you’re in the right place! This comprehensive guide on how to get rid of spiders will provide you with effective, natural, and pet-friendly solutions to help you get rid of spiders in a safe and eco-friendly way. Dive in and learn how to identify dangerous spiders, use natural repellents, create DIY traps, and maintain a spider-free home.

Key Takeaways

  • Identify potentially dangerous spiders and take necessary precautions
  • Use natural repellents such as essential oils, vinegar solutions & citrus scents to keep spiders away from home
  • Call pest control professionals for persistent infestations or dangerous spider species

Identifying and Dealing with Dangerous Spiders

spider, entomology, phobia

While most spiders are harmless and can even be beneficial in controlling other pests, such as other bugs, recognizing and dealing with dangerous spiders is vital for your safety, as spiders tend to vary in their level of threat.

Preventing painful bites and serious health complications is possible through venomous spider identification and taking safety measures.

Recognizing Poisonous Spiders

Avoid putting yourself at risk by understanding the characteristics of poisonous spiders. Some of the most common venomous spiders include:

  • Black widow spiders: identified by their glossy black body and red or yellow hourglass design on their abdomen
  • Wolf spiders
  • Jumping spiders
  • Brown recluse spiders
  • Yellow sac spiders

Brown recluse spiders, also known as violin spiders, are brown or tan with a violin-shaped marking on their back. Each venomous spider has distinctive features that can help you identify them and take appropriate action. By being aware of these characteristics, you can decide whether to use natural spider repellents or call pest control professionals for help.

Safety Measures

Preventing accidents when dealing with spiders requires taking certain safety measures. Here are some tips to follow:

  1. Ensure that door openings and windowsills are properly sealed off to prevent spiders from entering your home.
  2. Wear appropriate clothing when dealing with spiders.
  3. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for any spider pesticide you’re using.

By following these safety measures, you can minimize the risk of accidents when dealing with spiders instantly.

In addition to these measures, removing items that attract spiders, such as food sources and hiding spots, can help keep them away. Regular cleaning, decluttering, and exterior maintenance are some of the best ways to prevent spiders from entering your home and creating a safe environment.

Effective Natural Spider Repellents

citronella leaves, citronella, leaves

Natural spider repellents are an eco-friendly option for deterring spiders from your home. Scents such as:

  • Eucalyptus
  • Citronella
  • Lavender
  • Peppermint
  • Tea tree
  • Cinnamon
  • Citrus
  • Cedar
  • Horse chestnut
  • Lemon
  • Vanilla

can be very effective in repelling spiders. Creating a spider-free environment without resorting to harmful chemicals is achievable by strategically utilizing these scents around your home.

Some popular natural spider repellents include essential oils, vinegar solutions, and citrus scents. In the following sections, we’ll explore how to use these repellents to keep spiders at bay.

Essential Oils

Essential oils derived from plants such as peppermint oil, lavender, and eucalyptus have proven to be effective in repelling spiders. To create a natural spider repellent using essential oils, follow these steps:

  1. Combine a few drops of your chosen oils with water in a spray bottle.
  2. Shake well to mix the oils and water.
  3. Spray the mixture in areas where spiders are present, such as around windows, door frames, and other potential entry points.

Remember to reapply the essential oil mixture as the scent fades to maintain its effectiveness. Keep in mind that essential oils can damage some surfaces, so avoid spraying them on varnished surfaces or test on a small, inconspicuous area first.

Vinegar Solution

A vinegar solution is another effective natural spider repellent. To create this solution, mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution around windows, door frames, and other potential entry points to repel spiders from your home.

Keep in mind that vinegar has a strong smell, which may be undesirable for some people. To combat this, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the mixture to create a more pleasant scent. Just like with essential oils, be cautious when spraying vinegar on certain surfaces, as it may cause damage.

Citrus Scents

Citrus scents, such as orange, lemon, and lime, are known to be effective in repelling spiders. You can use citrus peels or essential oils with citrus scents to keep spiders away from your home. Here are some ways to use citrus to repel spiders:

  • Place citrus peels in areas where spiders are commonly found, such as near windows, doors, and dark corners.
  • Diffuse essential oils with citrus scents in your home to create a spider-repellent atmosphere.
  • Mix citrus essential oils with water and spray the solution in spider-prone areas.

By using citrus scents, you can naturally repel spiders and keep your home spider-free.

Incorporating citrus scents into your home creates a pleasant-smelling environment that deters spiders, eliminating the need for harmful chemicals.

Preventative Measures for a Spider-Free Home

cobweb, web, dew

Maintaining a spider-free home and ensuring long-lasting results is possible through preventative measures. By identifying and eliminating spider food sources, harborage areas, and entry points, you can effectively reduce the chances of spiders invading your living space.

Some of the best preventative measures include regular cleaning, decluttering, and exterior maintenance. In the next sections, we’ll explore each of these measures in more detail to help you create a spider-free home.

Regular Cleaning

Eliminating spider habitats and preventing them from entering your home requires regular cleaning. By vacuuming your home from top to bottom, especially in corners and behind furniture, you can remove spider webs and egg sacs.

In addition to vacuuming, keeping your sink and worktops free of crumbs and spillages can deter spiders and other pests. Regular dusting and vacuuming can also help you keep your home spider-free by removing unwanted webs and preventing the buildup of clutter that attracts spiders.


Reducing hiding spots for spiders and eliminating existing spider habitats can be achieved by decluttering your living space. By maintaining cleanliness in areas such as floors, flat surfaces, corners, closets, and storage spaces, you can create an environment that is less inviting to spiders.

Frequent dusting and tidying can also help you reduce areas where spiders may hide or build webs. By keeping your living space organized and clutter-free, you can effectively minimize the presence of spiders in your home.

Exterior Maintenance

Preventing spiders and other insects from entering your living space demands maintaining the exterior of your home. Sealing any cracks or crevices in walls, windows, and doors, as well as keeping the area around your home free of debris and clutter, can help deter spiders from taking up residence inside.

Additionally, trimming overgrown vegetation and removing potential hiding spots such as wood piles, leaf piles, and grass clippings can further reduce the chance of spiders invading your home. By taking these exterior maintenance measures, you can create a barrier that keeps spiders and other pests at bay.

DIY Spider Traps

mouse trap, cheese, device

Creating DIY spider traps can be a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to catch and remove spiders from your home. By using simple household items, you can create traps that effectively capture spiders without harming them, making them a great alternative to a commercial spider catcher.

In this section, we’ll explore two popular DIY spider traps: sticky traps and cardboard box traps. These traps can be easily made at home and provide an effective solution for catching and relocating spiders.

Sticky Traps

Sticky traps are adhesive traps designed to capture spiders and other pests. They are usually made from cardboard or plastic and feature a sticky substance that traps spiders upon contact. For optimal effectiveness, place sticky traps in areas where spiders are likely to be located, such as corners, behind furniture, and near windows and doors.

Once you’ve caught a spider, dispose of the trapped spider by placing it in a sealed container or bag. Remember to replace the sticky trap periodically to ensure continuous spider control.

Cardboard Box Traps

Cardboard box traps are a simple and efficient method for capturing and relocating spiders. To create a cardboard box trap, cut a hole in the side of a cardboard box and position it in an area where spiders are commonly seen.

Inspect the trap regularly and remove any captured spiders. Relocate the spiders to an area far from your home to ensure their safety. Once you’re done, dispose of the cardboard box trap by breaking it down and placing it in the trash.

When to Call Pest Control Professionals


Even though DIY methods and natural repellents can be effective in dealing with spiders, some situations may necessitate professional help. If you’re dealing with a persistent infestation or dangerous spider species, it’s best to contact pest control professionals to ensure your safety and long-term control.

In this section, we’ll discuss when to call pest control professionals and what to expect from their services.

Persistent Infestations

spider, network, web

Dealing with a spider infestation? Professional help is advisable for persistent issues. Pest control experts have the knowledge and resources to accurately identify and efficiently eliminate spider infestations.

If your DIY efforts are unsuccessful or you prefer to take advantage of professional expertise, enlisting the services of a reputable pest management company such as Orkin or Terminix is a wise decision.

Dangerous Spider Species

Contacting experts for help is crucial when dealing with dangerous spider species such as:

  • Black widows
  • Brown recluses
  • Hobo spiders
  • Wolf spiders

These venomous spiders pose a significant risk to your health, and handling them without proper training and equipment can result in serious complications.

By contacting pest control professionals, you can ensure the safe and effective removal of dangerous spiders from your home, keeping your family and pets safe from harm.

Pet-Friendly Spider Control Methods

pets, cat, dog

Protecting your furry friends from harm as a pet owner necessitates the use of pet-friendly spider control methods. By choosing natural repellents that are safe for pets and storing pet food properly, you can prevent spiders and other pests from being attracted to your home, dealing with spiders naturally.

In this section, we’ll explore safe natural repellents and proper food storage tips to help you maintain a spider-free home without putting your pets at risk.

Safe Natural Repellents

Using essential oils, vinegar solutions, and citrus scents can be a safe and effective way to repel spiders without harming your pets. Simply diffuse these natural repellents in the air or spray them onto surfaces to deter spiders from entering your home.

Remember to consult with a veterinarian or do thorough research before using any new substances around your pets, as some natural repellents may still be harmful to certain animals.

Proper Food Storage

Avoiding attracting spiders and other pests requires proper storage of pet food. By covering and sealing pet food containers, you can effectively remove food sources for spiders and deter them from entering your home.

Additionally, taking out recycling frequently and maintaining cleanliness in your kitchen can help prevent fruit flies and other insects that may attract spiders. By following these pet-friendly food storage tips, you can keep your home spider-free and your pets safe.


In conclusion, getting rid of spiders naturally is possible with a combination of effective natural repellents, DIY traps, preventative measures, and pet-friendly solutions. By following the tips and advice provided in this guide, you can maintain a spider-free home and protect your family and pets from these unwelcome guests. Remember, when in doubt or dealing with dangerous spider species, don’t hesitate to seek professional help to ensure your safety and long-term control.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will keep spiders away?

Natural spider repellents, such as white vinegar, citrus, mint, diatomaceous earth, cedar and horse chestnuts, along with regularly dusting and keeping your home organized, will help keep spiders away.

What kills spiders and keep them away?

Vinegar mixed with water is a great way to get rid of spiders on contact. Essential oils, such as peppermint oil, and other natural repellents like citrus, Diatomaceous Earth, cedar blocks and chips, and horse chestnuts can also help keep spiders away from your home.

What essential oils are effective in repelling spiders?

Peppermint oil, citrus oils, eucalyptus oil, citronella, cedarwood and tea tree oil are all effective in repelling spiders.

What are some preventative measures to maintain a spider-free home?

Regular cleaning, decluttering and exterior maintenance can help keep spiders away from your home and create a safe living environment.

When should I contact pest control professionals for spider infestations?

If you’re dealing with a persistent infestation or dangerous spider species, it is best to contact pest control professionals for effective and safe management of the infestation.

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Avista Man has the answers for all your pest control needs.

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