If you have a dog or a cat, chances are you have had to grapple with a tick infestation in the past. These are often quite expensive and time-consuming since, by the time they are noticeable, they have likely created a nest within your yard, or worse, inside your home. Unfortunately, this means that you have to deal with the ensuing itching and scratching.

Background on Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks are external parasites that seek out humans and animal hosts to feed on blood while passing along bacterial and viral diseases both to you and your pets. These wingless parasites will jump from one area to another on the host, latching on and sucking on their blood.

A characteristic of the parasite that makes its extermination a near impossibility is that a single female flea can produce more than 5000 eggs during its lifetime. The latter will range from about three months to a year when conditions are ideal. These will likely end up on the upholstery, carpeting, and bedding, which will grow mature into adults and end up causing havoc.

The 8-legged, dark parasite is often difficult to feel as it walks on the skin. As it latches from point to point, it will produce saliva onto the points it bites to help prevent blood at these points from clotting for an easier feed.

Dangers Fleas and Ticks Pose to People, Pets and Homes

Fleas and ticks are more than just extremely annoying. These cause several serious conditions that can interfere with the overall health of the homeowner and pet. What’s more, these pests can cause significant property damage.

Allergic Dermatitis

When the flea latches on the skin, you will immediately feel some pain due to the chewing and scratching. In most instances, most people are hypersensitive to the saliva caused by the ticks, which is what causes the itchiness. Besides, the lesion that results from the bite can be the site for an infection after the flea jumps away.

Some of the symptoms you will experience when you have flea allergy dermatitis include:

• Hair loss

• Scratching and itching

• Open, oozing sores at the point of the bite

• Skin damage

Fleas and Disease

There are a number of flea-borne diseases that you need to be aware of. These include:

• Bubonic plague

• Murine typhus

• Tularemia

When you see the doctor for any of these conditions, you will likely get antibiotics and additional medication for the sudden fever and chills.

Flea and Tick Control

As soon as spring comes, you and your pets are likely ready for the outside. Chances are the warm weather outside, and the lawn is calling. Unfortunately, just as this environment is suitable for you, it provides the optimum ecosystem for fleas and ticks to thrive.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to ensure that you do not go through possible infestation. These include:

• Removing fallen plant matter and keeping the yard clipped and tidy.

• Daily vacuuming and frequent laundering of pet beddings and toys.

• Regular bathing and grooming of pets.

In the event that a female got into your yard or home, these will not be sufficient enough to prevent a full-on infestation. Steps you can take to help along with flea and tick control.

The first step to take if you are to control a flea and tick infestation is to troubleshoot your yard. Essentially, this becomes your first line of defense when it comes to preventing fleas and ticks from setting up within your home or yard.

Troubleshooting includes mowing your grass as often as necessary and keeping your shrubs trimmed. While this simple landscaping might seem trivial, it means you get to reduce the number of places where these parasites can hide.

A way through which fleas and ticks are introduced into your yard is when feral pets and wildlife make their way past your fence. It would therefore be prudent to ward off opossums, raccoons, and feral cats. The best way to do this is to avoid having any waste or pet foods outside.

Additionally, make sure you trim back any trees or high shrubs that could let these wild animals crawl into your homestead. What’s more, make sure that you plant any forage away from your house.

Treatment and Prevention of Infestation

Suppose you have a full-on flea infestation. You then have to grapple with the impossibility of trying to rid yourself of these bloodsuckers.

The first step is as simple as vacuuming your carpet thoroughly. After you have vacuumed all the carpets and rugs within your space, you want to dispose of the bag as fast as possible because the eggs therein will likely develop into actual flea larvae.

Thereafter, consider steam cleaning the carpets to remove any remaining fleas and ticks. By doing so, you are assured that the insecticide you choose gets deeper into the fabric.

While washing your beddings, clothing, and any washable upholstery you have can help you with flea and tick control, you will likely not eradicate the fleas present completely.

At Avista, we are well equipped to help you eradicate any possible breeding environment within your home and yard. We can help you achieve maximum control of any fleas and ticks on your pets or on your property.

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